Sunday, October 14, 2007

Why, Of Course...(The Saga Continues)


Sean "Diddy" Combs allegedly socked a man twice in the face after they'd jawed at each other at a SoHo afterparty early yesterday, police sources said.

His Diddyness was holding court with pals and bodyguards at Kiosk, on Spring Street, at around 3:30 a.m. when he got into an argument with an acquaintance, Steven Acevedo, over a woman, the sources told The Post's Larry Celona.

Acevedo told cops that the two stepped away from each other, but resumed exchanging heated insults minutes later and that an irate Combs then threw a classic syncopated one-two combo - hitting him in the face twice while screaming, "I'll kill you, punk!"

Acevedo was left with a bloody nose and a fat lip, the sources said, and as he tried to get back at Combs, a bodyguard appeared to reach under his waist - as if for a gun.

The beaten hip-hop scenester said he then went home, called 911 and filed a report. But later, reached at home, he declined to comment.

Cops are investigating whether Kiosk, a high-end store that deals in swanky knickknacks by day and hosts parties at night, has any surveillance video that might show what happened.

Police sources said investigators would contact Combs, who has not been arrested or charged, and ask him to give a statement. Messages left with his spokespeople were not returned.


I don't know about you, but if I was worth $300m, I won't be getting into scuffles on a reg like this. Especially when I know my ass is damn near 40. SMH.